Dear Comp-neuro community, 

I would like to inform you about PhD and postdoc opportunities in my lab in Vienna. We are the Dynamics of Neural Systems Lab, currently generously supported by an ERC Starting grant. 

We have several exciting projects at the interface of neuro, mathematical modelling (geometry and dynamical systems) and ML. All have broad impact in fundamental ML theory and neuroscience and translational impact in neuroprosthetic interfaces. I also have an open project for someone with strong mathematical and programming skills, e.g., to develop a project like MARBLE (, at the interface of dynamical systems, probabilistic modelling and deep learning.

More details on the projects can be found here:

Would you be so kind to circulate this among colleagues and interested students? They can contact me directly with questions.

All the best, 

Adam Gosztolai

Group leader
AI Institute
Medical University of Vienna

Research Affiliate
McGovern Institute for Brain Research