Tenured Junior Research/Teaching Faculty Position in Computational Neuroscience at Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, France 


A tenured junior faculty position is expected to open in the Department of Cognitive Studies (DEC) at the ENS-Paris. The position profile is broad, focusing on computational neuroscience. The recruited candidate will join the  Group for Neural Theory, which is part of the Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience,DEC, ENS Paris.


The candidate is expected to have a strong background in theoretical neuroscience and/or computational neuroscience. The candidate is expected to develop an active research program and integrate into the GNT.  Teaching in neuroscience and computational neuroscience shall be done at the ENS within the cognitive sciences masters program. The Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience provides opportunities to develop a collaborative research program in computational neuroscience of decision making. Further collaborative opportunities exist within the department and local laboratories involved in electrophysiology and/or psychophysics.  


The next cycle of recruitment for a Junior Faculty position in computational neuroscience shall be announced in the spring of 2017. In order to apply for the position candidates need to pre-qualify with the National University Council. The deadline for the pre-qualification is in October 2016.  Help with putting together the application shall be given to potential candidates who should contact mc.comp.gnt@gmail.com