Three positions are available (preferred start: first half 2019, contract duration, 2-4 years) for PhD students and postdocs, funded by a Dutch NWO Exact sciences TOP grant. The researchers will develop methods for the unsupervised pattern detection in neural data based on Optimal Transport theory, developing on the idea described in the paper by Grossberger et al. PLoS Comp. Biol. 14(7): e1006283 (2018)
We look for a combination of expertise, ideally one applied mathematician, one computer scientist/machine learning specialist, and one computational neuroscientists. Positions will be awarded at the postdoc or PhD level, depending on the best available candidate.
The researchers will be embedded in the Memory Dynamics Lab (co-leaders, FP Battaglia and L Genzel), a rapidly growing group active in the exploration of mechanisms of memory, and will have access to large datasets from behavioral neurophysiology experiments (large scale ensemble ) from the group, currently further funded by a Marie Sklodowska Curie "M-GATE" Doctoral Network coordinated by FP Battaglia, a NWO VIDI grant to L Genzel and other public and private grants, and counting eight core members active in experimental work. Data obtained via external collaborations will also be available. Dr. Martin Vinck (ESI Frankfurt) and Dr. Paul Tiesinga (Donders Institute) will be key collaborators on this project. The group is embedded in the Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behavior at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, sporting a large concentration of top theoretical and experimental neuroscience work.
To apply, please send a CV, a letter of motivation (2 page max. length) and the name and contact info for two possible referees to Francesco Battaglia Requests for information go to the same address.
Applications reaching us before February, 28th 2019 will be given full consideration.