Postdoctoral and PhD positions in systems neuroscience, DeAngelis Lab, University of Rochester, in collaboration with Moreno-Bote and Drugowitsch Labs.

A postdoctoral position and a graduate student assistantship in Systems Neuroscience are available at the University of Rochester, in the laboratory of Dr. Greg DeAngelis. The positions are part of a recently funded NIH project on the neural mechanisms of visually-guided navigation in virtual reality. The project is a collaboration with the laboratories of Dr. Ruben Moreno-Bote (UPF, Barcelona) and Dr. Jan Drugowitsch (Harvard Medical School, Boston). A 1-month visit to Barcelona every year is expected to foster the collaborative aspects of the project.

The project involves psychophysics and large-scale electrophysiology in non-human primates, combined with computational approaches. The goal is to elucidate neural mechanisms for the visual-motor control of steering.

Successful candidates will join a highly dynamic and collaborative group at the Center for Visual Science (, with strong theoretical/computational collaborations with the laboratories of Moreno-Bote and Drugowitsch, and expected extended visits to their labs. Previous work from our group has made fundamental contributions to our understanding of the neural basis of motion perception, depth perception, multisensory integration, self-motion perception, and perceptual decision-making (

Candidates are expected to have a background in neuroscience, experimental psychology, biomedical engineering, or a related field. Previous research experience in systems neuroscience is desirable, although it is not necessary. Candidates should submit their CV, a brief statement of research interests, and the names and contact information for three references to


Rubén Moreno Bote
Serra Húnter Professor
Director of the Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience Group
Center for Brain and Cognition &
Dept. of Information and Communications Technologies
University Pompeu Fabra
Campus Ciutadella
c\ Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
Mercè Rodoreda building, 3th floor (room 24.331)
08005 Barcelona, Spain