Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased 
to draw your attention the third edition of the workshop on advanced methods in theoretical neuroscience. The programme is intended for the exchange of new approaches and methods, and presentations that will spark new ideas for future developments.

Please see the details below or at

Best regards,
Farzad Farkhooi

Dynamics of learning and computations in neuronal circuits

June 27-29, 2018, Göttingen (Tutorials: June 26)

This workshop will focus on the inherent difficulties of studying the underlying dynamics that guides synaptic organization in neuronal circuits. The forum is intended for researchers to not only share results but also survey and discuss recent advances in methods and to pinpoint limitations of the existing theoretical tools.

These exchanges will be complemented by poster presentations from students and postdocs. A day of tutorial sessions will be held prior to the main meeting, covering some of the background and methods discussed in the workshop.

** Confirmed speakers **
Omri Barak (Technion, Israel)
Andrea K. Barreiro (Southern Methodist University, USA)
Barbara Barvi (EPFL, Switzerland)
Yoram Burak (Hebrew University, Israel)
Ran Darshan (Janelia Research Campus, USA)
Sophie Denève (École Normale Supérieure, France)
Surya Ganguli (Stanford University, USA)
Robert Gütig (MPI for Experimental Medicine, Germany)
Gabriel Kreiman (Harvard University, USA)
Tatyana Sharpee (Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA)
David Schwab (City University of New York, USA)
Misha Tsodyks (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Fred Wolf (MPI Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany)
Lenka Zdeborová (Institut de Physique Theorique, France)
Friedemann Zenke (Oxford University, UK)

** Registration **
Registration is free but available seats are limited. For more details and registration:

** Tutorials **
The tutorials will be held prior to the main meeting on June 26, 2018, to introduce students and postdocs into the mathematical techniques relevant to the workshop topic.

** Poster submission/short talks **
Poster submissions are highly encouraged. A seat in the workshop will be guaranteed for presenting authors. Some abstracts may be selected for short or full talks in the workshop.

Rainer Engelken (Columbia University)
Farzad Farkhooi (Technische Universität Berlin)
Jonathan Kadmon (Stanford University)