A postdoctoral scientist position is available at the Nathan Kline Institute (NKI) for Psychiatric Research (https://www.nki.rfmh.org) to work on computational neuroscience research funded by recently awarded grants.
Our NIH-funded project investigates the brain's dynamic circuit motifs underlying internal vs. external-oriented processes in the auditory and interconnected areas, using circuit modeling of the thalamocortical system. In this project, the postdoc will build data-driven biophysical models constrained by data collected from electrophysiology labs at NKI (Noelle O’Connell, Charlie Schroeder) & The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research (Stephan Bickel), and then use the models to predict optimal neuromodulation strategies testable in vivo.
Applicants should have a strong background in: multiscale modeling using NEURON/NetPyNE, Python software development, neural/electrophysiology data analysis, machine learning, and writing/presenting research.
To apply, email a CV and cover letter to Sam Neymotin (samuel.neymotin@nki.rfmh.org). NKI is an equal opportunity employer. The position requires presence at NKI(Orangeburg, New York), with part-time telecommuting possible.