PhD position in Modelling spine calcium dynamics: implications for synaptic plasticity


Based within the EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare at the University of Exeter, a £2M initiative bringing together mathematicians, statisticians and clinicians, you will work on a project aiming to investigate the mechanisms and hence understand the regulation of calcium transient dynamics shown to be a critical trigger for synaptic plasticity in dendritic spines. In order to do this we will develop and analyse three-dimensional mathematical models using finite element methods. Therefore I am looking for candidates trained in quantitative fields whose interest has turned to the study of synaptic plasticity and calcium dynamics.

This project is one of a number that are in competition for funding from the South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (SWBio DTP). The SWBio DTP is a BBSRC-funded PhD training programme in the biosciences, delivered by a consortium comprising the Universities of Bristol (lead), Bath, Cardiff and Exeter and Rothamsted Research.  The SWBio DTP projects are designed to provide outstanding interdisciplinary training in a range of topics in  World-Class Bioscience, underpinned by training in mathematics and complexity science. Each project is supervised by an interdisciplinary team of academic staff and will follow a structured training 4 year PhD model.

In particular the project on "Modelling spine calcium dynamics: implications for synaptic plasticity" stems form a long-standing collaboration between Prof Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova (main supervisor, Exeter) and Dr Jack Mellor (co-supervisor, Bristol

To Apply: Candidates with strong quantitative training (e.g. a BSc or MSc in Physics, Mathematics, Computational Neuroscience, Computer Science, or Engineering) and evidence of scientific achievement are invited to apply. Knowledge of neuroscience is a plus. Please apply using the following link:


Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

Professor of Mathematics for Healthcare

College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

University of Exeter

Exeter, Devon, EX4 4QF, UK

tel: +44 (0) 1392 723615



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