Dear Colleagues,

Please make note of the following faculty search for theorists working in biology, at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Best regards,
Asohan Amarasingham

Biology Program and Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences

The Graduate Center, City University of New York and

The Graduate Center of the City University of New York has launched an Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences (ITS), with the goal of building a multidisciplinary community of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students, and visitors, all united by their interest in the mathematical description of nature.  In the current academic year, we are searching for faculty members whose research interests are focused on the phenomena of life, but whose methods and style are grounded in the traditions of theoretical physics and applied mathematics.   Applications will be considered across the full range of biological topics, from the dynamics of single molecules to the behavior of animal groups; we are especially interested in candidates whose interests transcend historical boundaries among the subfields of biology.

Appointments will be made through the PhD program in Biology, with affiliations to other doctoral Programs possible (e.g. Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science), as appropriate.   Positions are available at all academic ranks, although it is the preference of the Graduate Center to make appointments with tenure (Associate Professor and above).  Applicants are expected to demonstrate an outstanding record of independent research accomplishment and creativity, as well as an interest in mentoring and community building.  In particular, faculty recruited in this search will play a crucial role in the further development of ITS, across the full range of intellectual opportunities for theory in the natural sciences.

Applicants should submit CV, a research statement, and three reference letters to Prof. Laurel A. Eckhardt, Search Chair, through the City University Employment online portal (, and entering the Job ID “13244” under “What.”

CUNY is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from groups underrepresented in the scientific community.