Dear Colleagues,


It is with unbridled excitement that we announce the date of the 7th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction:


IWSP7: Epilepsy Mechanisms, Models, Prediction & Control


Date: 3-6 August 2015

Location: Melbourne, Australia



The IWSP series of conferences bring together researchers across multiple disciplines to focus on epilepsy research. This conference will centre on  the engineering and science of epilepsy from basic mechanisms and imaging, to computational modelling for analysis and prediction, through to feedback control of epilepsy.


Invited Speakers:

Samuel Berkovic, University of Melbourne, Australia (Genetics and individual-specific nature of epilepsy)

Bin He, University of Minnesota, USA (EEG-based imaging to localise seizure and high frequency activity)

Louis Lemieux, University College London, UK (Multi-modal imaging of human epileptic zone and networks)

Martha Morrell, Stanford University, Neuropace, USA (Responsive seizure control and clinical implications)

John Terry, University of Exeter, UK (Modelling multiscale brain networks: seizure initiation, evolution and prediction)

Gregory Worrell, Mayo Clinic, USA (Forecasting epileptic seizures in dogs)


Please forward this notice to anyone that you think might be interested.


We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


On behalf of the local organizing committee

Levin Kuhlmann, PhD
David B. Grayden, PhD
Mark J. Cook, MD
Dean R. Freestone, PhD
Alan Lai, PhD
Elma O'Sullivan-Greene, PhD
Andre Petersen, BSc(hons)
