Postdoctoral position in Statistical & Computational Neuroscience

A postdoctoral position in computational and statistical neuroscience is available in the lab of Jonathan Pillow at Princeton University.  The Pillow lab's research focuses on the statistical modeling of neural data and of information processing in neural populations. Current research projects include:

  - point process regression models for neural encoding
  - latent variable models of neural population activity
  - statistical methods for high-dimensional data (fMRI, spike sorting, Ca-imaging)
  - active learning methods for adaptive closed-loop experiments
  - Bayesian models of perception and behavior
  - models of sensory coding and decision-making 

The Pillow lab develops statistical models and methods for characterizing statistical structure underlying neural activity. We collaborate closely with a variety of experimental labs in order to use these methods to study information processing in the nervous system.  For more information, please visit:

The Pillow lab is located in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, and is affiliated with the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning and the department of Psychology.  Princeton has a vigorous and rapidly growing neuroscience community, with an energetic mix of junior and senior faculty who use imaging, electrophysiology, genetics, psychology, statistics, and computer science techniques to study the brain.  Princeton has excellent programs in engineering, mathematics, machine learning.

To Apply
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a quantitative discipline (eg, Neuroscience, Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics) by the time they start the position.  Desired qualifications include familiarity with Bayesian statistical methods and/or probabilistic models of neural data, and experience with programming in Matlab, Python, or other languages. Applicants should have creativity, independence, enthusiasm for research, and a high level of mathematical expertise.

Applicants should submit:
(1) 1-2 page research statement
(2) a current CV
(3) the names and contact details of 2-3 references.

Inquiries and applications may be addressed by email to Jonathan Pillow (

Application review will begin November 1 and continue until the position is filled.