Li Zhaoping's labs at Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and University of Tuebingen have postdoc positions and Ph.D. positions
available on human visual psychophysics for highly skilled and motivated individuals. The projects are towards understanding visual attentional and perceptual processes.
Our research methods often include eye tracking, EEG, fMRI, TMS, and computational modeling, and hence familiarity in some of these methodologies is highly desirable.
The research framework, their motivations, and example project types can be found at
General information on researches in Zhaoping's lab can be found at

For more details and to apply, please visit   for the postdoc positions   for the Ph.D positions

The positions are available immediately, applications received by June 5th, 2022 will be preferentially considered, but later applications will still be considered until the positions are filled.
The postdoc positions are for 2 years (and renewable), and  the Ph.D. positions are for 3 years. Inquiries welcome.

Li Zhaoping