Two postdoc positions are available  at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebingen, Germany, to work on projects aimed towards understanding visual attentional and perceptual processes using TMS and/or EEG methodologies. The framework and motivation of the projects can be found at  The projects can involve, for example, visual search tasks, stereo vision tasks, visual illusions, and will be discussed during the application process. TMS and/or EEG methodologies can be used in combination with fMRI/MRI, eye tracking, and other related methods as necessary. The postdoc will be working closely with the principal investigator and other members of Zhaoping's team when needed. Candidates should be skilled in visual psychophysics and proficient in programming, previous experience in TMS and/or ERP is a plus.  Please send your application by a single pdf file, including your CV, a brief statement of research interests, an approximate date for availability, and names and contacts for  three references to  Applications sent before September 1st will be preferred, but later applications will be considered until the positions are filled.  The appointment is for one year, renewable for additional years. Enquiry to

Li Zhaoping

Li Zhaoping Ph.D.
Prof. of Cognitive Science, University of Tuebingen
Head of Dept of Sensory and Sensorimotor Systems,
Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics
Author of "Understanding vision: theory, models, and data", Oxford University Press, 2014