Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is seeking faculty candidates in the area of Computational/Theoretical Neuroscience.

Of particular interest to this search are candidates with expertise in computational and theoretical neuroscience, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The successful candidate will have an outstanding record of research achievement and an innovative research program. They will join a highly interactive and collaborative neuroscience group working on neural circuits, neural development, neurogenetics, theoretical and computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence, synaptic function, brain disorders, rodent cognition, perception, and social behavior. Preference will be given to applicants at the Assistant Professor level, but outstanding candidates at all career stages will be considered. Review of applications is currently underway and will continue until the position is filled. 

Please see  for details. If this position is of interest to you or your colleagues, we would welcome your applications.  This link will bring you to the formal posting where interested candidates can create an account and apply: Faculty Positions In Neuroscience position ID 02703-R.  Specific questions regarding the opportunity can be sent directly to