Please visit the lab’s
homepage and read our recent
papers to gain a better sense of the kinds of questions
we ask and the methods we use to answer them. You can learn more about the PI, Mark Blumberg,
here and
The laboratory is located in the
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the
University of Iowa, a leading public university. The university
is located in Iowa City, a midsize community with a high quality of life. The department is experiencing a period of enhanced growth and investment, including completion of a
building. In addition, the University of Iowa is home to a large and vibrant neuroscience community, highlighted by the
Iowa Neuroscience Institute that brings together over 100 neuroscientists
across 26 departments.
In addition to research opportunities, successful applicants will have opportunities to teach courses, mentor graduate and undergraduate students, write grants, and engage in activities to enhance professional development and prepare for an academic
Salary is negotiable, but is expected to be above NIH's minimum guidelines for postdocs.
Requirements: A PhD with experience in computational and/or behavioral neuroscience. Experience with MATLAB (or other programming languages) is required.
Please send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and selected publications to Mark Blumberg at