Title:  Brain Connectivity Workshop


The 14th international Brain Connectivity Workshop will take place in La Jolla CA at the UCSD Supercomputer Center, hosted by the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience over three days, June 10-12, 2015.  For the first time in this meeting series, experts in the science of brain connectivity using a variety of electrophysiological imaging methods will present their current results and current thinking. The format, as always, will be one day of methodological lectures followed by two days of 20-min talks, each followed by 40 min of in-depth open discussion among the speakers and 100 attendees.


Speakers include: Klaas Stephan (Zurich), Ingo Bojak (UK), Carsten Wolters (Muenster), Rasmus Birn (Wisconsin), Andrew Zaelesky (Melbourne), Alain Destexhe (France), Eugene Izhikevich (Brain Corp), Stefan Kiebel (Max Planck Leipzig), Matias Palva (Helsinki), Charles Schroeder (Columbia), Ryan Canolty (Houston), Francesco de Pasquale (Chieti), Sylvain Baillet (McGill), Pedro Valdes-Sosa (Cuba/China), Stefan Haufe (NYU), Jean-Philippe Lachaux (France), Scott Makeig (UCSD), Hirokazu Tanaka (JAIST), Steven Bressler (Florida), Muthuraman Muthuraman (Kiel), Kathleen Poston (Stanford). Co-organizers are Michael Breakspear (Brisbane) and Jorge Riera (Florida).


Places in the Workshop are still available.  For more information and to register,




Scott Makeig