Applications are invited for one full-time PhD studentship (with
scholarship) for a period of 3 years, at “The Physical Structure of
Perception and Computation” (PSPC) lab of the Department of
Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering
(DIBRIS), University of Genoa, Italy.
The position, starting Nov 1st 2015, is on one of the following
research projects:
1/ Representing peripersonal space through sensorimotor likelihoods.
The activity will focus on the design of theoretical models by
converting computational approaches from engineering into
cortical-like models of implicit representations of the peripersonal
2/ Integration of motion-in-depth multi-sensory information flows in
the peripersonal space.
The goal of the project is to investigate how different cross-modal
information can enable arm and hand-related actions in the
peripersonal space. Specifically, the focus will be on the
development of a neuromorphic cognitive system for
detecting/encoding motion-in-depth multimodal information flows
relative to body parts.
Both projects will provide the opportunity to work on neural
modeling, visual psychophysics, robotics, or a combination of them.
Experimental, modeling, and theoretical approaches might be pursued
with a different accent according to personal attitude.
Ongoing cooperation, at international level, with research groups of
different disciplines, will ensure a highly interdisciplinary and
stimulating environment.
Successful applicants would have a good honors Master degree
in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics or related disciplines,
strong interest in computational neuroscience, and an open mind for
interdisciplinary research.
Online application are available from April 13, 2015 at 12.00 noon
(Italian time) to June 10, 2015 at 12.00 noon (Italian time).
Full details on the call and the application procedure will soon be
available at:
Prospective students, please contact Silvio Sabatini (,
providing your CV and qualifications, the name and contact details
of two references, and a description of your research interests
indicating which of the two positions you are interested in.
DIBRIS is a unique inter-school department of the University of
Genoa, bridging together researchers from the former Science and
Engineering Faculties. It offers an excellent multidisciplinary,
interactive and collaborative research environment combining
expertise in computer vision, computational neuroscience,
neuromorphic computing, robotics and mechatronics.
PSPC-Lab (, has a
long-standing expertise in visual coding and multidimensional signal
representation, robot perception and computer vision. In the last
five years, the lab’s research activity focused on the analysis of
the structural mechanisms of visuo-spatial cognition, responsible
for orienting and interacting in the 3D space.
Silvio P. SABATINI, PhD [PSPC Research Group]
Professor of Bioengineering
DIBRIS - University of Genova | e_mail:
Via Opera Pia, 11A | phone: +39 010 3532092/3532794
I-16145 Genova (ITALY) | fax: +39 010 3532289/3536533
"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." [Albert Einstein]