Fully funded 4-year PhD Position at IIT - Computational approaches to study the neural code


We are seeking candidates for a fully funded 4-year PhD position at the Italian Institute of Technology’s in the lab directed by Stefano Panzeri (https://www.iit.it/people/stefano-panzeri).


We are particularly interested in candidates that wish to work in a project in collaboration with the experimental neurophysiology laboratory of Giuliano Iurilli (https://www.iit.it/people/giuliano-iurilli).


We are interested in using mathematical models of neural networks and information theoretic and machine learning analytical tools to understand the principles of neural coding by using as a model the olfactory system.


 For recent representative publications of Panzeri and Iurilli on relevant topics please see:


Chong et al, in press, preprint available at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/841916v1


van Vugt B, et al, (2018) Science: DOI: 10.1126/science.aar7186


Runyan C. A., et al (2017) Nature: 548: 92-96


Panzeri, S, et al (2017) Neuron 93: 491-507


Iurilli, G. and Datta, R.S.  (2017) Neuron 93 , 1180-1197


Safaai, H. et al (2015) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112(41): 12834–12839


 The ideal candidate should have a strong background in numerate sciences, and have a strong propensity for interdisciplinary research. No extensive previous experience in neuroscience is needed. However, a keen interest in understanding the brain is essential.


 The deadline for the formal application is set to May 27th 2019, but interested candidates are invited me to contact us informally by email (stefano.panzeri@iit.it and Giuliano.urilli@iit.it ) as soon as possible, and no later than May 11th 2020, by attaching their CV and briefly explaining their interest in this position, to initiate discussion about potential PhD projects of interest.


Yours truly,


 Stefano Panzeri