Dear Colleagues,

My lab is currently recruiting postdoctoral scholars for two very exciting projects: one to use machine learning to investigate replay during sleep (in collaboration with C. Kemere's lab at Rice U), and another to use µLED optoelectrodes (developed by E. Yoon's lab at U-M) to investigate hippocampal oscillations in episodic memory.

Links to the ads are provided here: 

Machine Learning of Neuronal Spike Sequences:
Optogenetic Examination of Hippocampal Microcircuits:

Please encourage qualified candidates to apply.  



Kamran Diba, PhD
Associate Professor, Dept of Anesthesiology
Affiliate, Dept of Biomedical Engineering 
Faculty, Applied Physics Program
Faculty, Neuroscience Graduate Program
University of Michigan Medical School
1150 W. Medical Center Dr.
7433 Med Sci I, SPC 5615
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5615
office: 1-734-764-5502
lab: 1-734-647-9914