Dear all,


a PhD student position in the area of Human Intracranial Single-Unit Cognitive Electrophysiology and Brain Stimulation is available at the University of Magdeburg (Germany) in my group. Please find the details below.


Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research (IKND) of the Medical Faculty at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg.


University Hospital Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany.


Dr. Davide Ciliberti and Prof. Dr. med. Emrah Düzel.


4 years.


The Cognitive Electrophysiology and Neurotechnology (CEN) group at IKND led by Dr. Davide Ciliberti ( invites applications from highly motivated candidates to fill in a position for a PhD student salary. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary research in human neuroscience and neurotechnology. In particular, the successful candidate will investigate the dynamics of formation of human memory using intracranial single-unit electrophysiological recordings, high resolution 7-Tesla imaging and invasive electrical brain stimulation in neurosurgical epilepsy patients.

Project Description

The aim of the main project is to characterize the behavioral and electrophysiological effects of deep-brain stimulation (DBS) in the human entorhinal cortex during the formation of spatial and non-spatial episodic memory. The research will involve:

Key Responsibilities



How to apply

Please send your CV, a motivational letter and the contacts of two referees to Dr. Davide Ciliberti ( Transcripts of Bachelor and/or Master degree(s) indicating relevant coursework taken will be appreciated (but are not required). Informal inquiries are welcome.




Davide Ciliberti, PhD


Junior Research Group Leader

Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research (IKND)



Medical Faculty


Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen

 e.V. (DZNE) c/o Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg

Leipziger Str. 44

Building 64, Room 506 

39120 Magdeburg
