International Symposium on the Neuromechanics of Human Movement
4-6 October 2016, Heidelberg, Germany
Online Registration:


The Neuromechanics 2016 symposium is targeted at researchers working in the field of computational neuroscience, biomechanics, clinical gait analysis and rehabilitation robotics. An interesting cross-section of researchers from these fields will present talks and posters at this event:

Some of the topics related to this symposium are:
- Neuromechanics and its role in motor control
- Modeling of efferent and afferent pathways
- Neural and muscular synergies
- Neural control of multi-muscle, multi-joint movements
- Neuromuscular human-machine interfaces
- Neural control for robotics applications
- Translational research: From models/experiments to clinical applications

The symposium is planned as a 2.5 day single-track event with a focused gathering of researchers and ample time for discussions in formal and informal settings. Total number of participants is limited to about 60, due to the venue facilities.

Interested participants are requested to register soon due to the possibility of running out of available spaces!
Dr. Manish Sreenivasa
Optimization in Robotics & Biomechanics
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing
University of Heidelberg
Berlinerstr. 45 | 69120 Heidelberg | Germany
Tel: +49-6221-54-14874