Dear Colleagues,
Please pass the following information along to your undergraduates/RAs who plan to pursue a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience beginning in the Fall of 2016.
Faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) are actively recruiting graduate students who intend to earn a PhD conducting cognitive neuroscience research. UWM has an extremely energetic & cohesive group of faculty using cognitive neuroscience techniques to study the neural bases of learning & memory, attention, perception, dementia, addiction, anxiety, depression, and motor control. Collectively, our labs form a group of more than 50 faculty, postdocs, graduate students, research scientists, and research assistants all working on cognitive neuroscience at UWM.
A major strength of our program is our depth - cognitive neuroscientists at UWM are part of a much broader community of researchers whose interests range from cellular to systems-level neuroscience (see for more information about Neuroscience at UWM).
Labs of the following cognitive neuroscience faculty are currently interested in accepting graduate students:
Ira Driscoll, PhD --> Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging Lab (
Adam S. Greenberg, PhD --> Sensory Neuroscience, Attention, & Perception Lab (
Anthony J. Greene, PhD --> Greene Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (
Deborah Hannula, PhD --> Memory & Brain Lab (
Fred Helmstetter, PhD --> Helmstetter Lab (
Wendy Huddleston, PhD --> Visuomotor Lab (
Christine Larson, PhD --> Affective Neuroscience Lab (
Krista M. Lisdahl, PhD --> Brain Imaging & Neuropsychology Lab (
Ali Borji, PhD --> Vision & Learning Lab (

These labs make use of a large array of tools including fMRI, TMS, eye-tracking, MEG, EEG, DTI, psychophysical methods, and computational modeling. In addition to an existing 3 Tesla MRI scanner, we are also excited about the recent arrival of a research-dedicated 7 Tesla MRI scanner at our partner institution, the Medical College of Wisconsin. Students in our program interact with biophysicists, neurologists, and radiologists through the world-renown Center for Imaging Research at MCW:
Milwaukee is a vibrant, inexpensive city on the shores of Lake Michigan (90 miles from Chicago) with a thriving urban culture, food, arts & music scene. An award-winning network of parks and biking/hiking trails allow for plentiful outdoor activities during all seasons.
Research experience is strongly desirable. Students in good standing typically receive financial support for five years, in the form of research, teaching or fellowship positions. Students are encouraged to contact the above faculty directly by email, and can apply through the graduate programs listed below (depending on the lab they're interested in).

NOTE: Some of us will be attending the Psychonomics meeting in Chicago this week; please email us if you would like to discuss graduate school options at UWM.

PhD in Experimental Psychology/Neuroscience (applications due December 1, 2015):
PhD in Clinical Psychology (applications due December 1, 2015):
PhD in Kinesiology (applications due January 15, 2016):

PhD in Computer Science/Engineering (rolling admissions);

Adam Greenberg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201

Tel. (414) 229-1106
Fax (414) 229-5219