Elliot Krames, MD
Past President INS, Founding Editor of Neuromodulation
Eric Grigsby,
CEO, Neurovations Clinical Research and Education
Founder, Napa Pain Institute, the SpectrumCare Group
Peter Staats, MD
Premier Pain Centers, Past President, NANS
Joe Pancrazio, PhD
Associate Provost and Professor of Biomedical
Engineering at University of Texas at Dallas
Hunter Peckham, PhD
Professor Biomedical Engineering, Case Western
Reserve University
Dominique Durand, PhD
El Lindseth Professor of Biomedical Engineering,
Case Western Reserve Universtiy
Magdy Hassouna, MD, PhD
Department of Urology, University of Toronto
Ali Rezai, MD
Director, OSU Neuroscience Program, Stanley and
Jodi Ross Chair in Neuromodulation, Associate Dean of Neurosciences, Professor of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience
Robert Gross, MD, PhD
Professor, Departments of Neurosurgery, Neurology,
Biomedical Engineering, and Neuroscience,Director, Functional, Stereotactic & Epilepsy Surgery Division
Tony Yaksh, PhD
Distinguished Professor in Anesthesiology and
Pharmacology and Vice Chairman for Research in Anesthesiology(1988-present), Co-director of the Pain and Symptom Management Core of the UCSD Regional Cancer Center
Chad Bouton, MS
Division Leader, Neurotechnology and Analytics,
The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Managing Director, Center for Bioelectronic Medicine
Simon Thomson, MD
Past President, INS
Bengt Linderoth, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurosurgery, retired, Karolinska
Robert Foreman, PhD
George Lynn Cross Research Professor, University
of Oklahoma, Dept of Physiology, retired
Michael DeJongste, MD, PhD
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Dept of Cardiology,
University of Groningen
Jiande Chen, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Professor of Biomedical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University