Building on Bristol’s world-leading expertise in AI, machine
learning, neuroscience and human-computer
interaction, the Centre for Doctoral Training in Interactive Artificial Intelligence offers PhD studentships that will train you to become a leader in human-in-the-loop
and interpretable AI systems.
This unique Centre is based in the School of Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Engineering Mathematics. Its mission is to deliver cohorts of highly-trained
PhD graduates with the skills to design and implement complex interactive AI pipelines solving societally and scientific important problems.
After the taught first year, covering foundational topics in data-driven AI, knowledge-driven AI, human-AI interaction and responsible AI, you will undertake a 3-year research project,
supervised by one of the 60 academics in the supervisory network and in close collaboration with one or more external partners. The Centre partners with a wide range of external organisations including Alan
Turing Institute, Microsoft Research, Amazon Research, Dyson, Thales, and many others.
How to apply
Applicants must hold/achieve a minimum of an upper-second class honours degree in a relevant discipline (e.g., computer science, engineering, mathematics, statistics).
Enhanced EPSRC studentships covering fees and living costs are available to UK / EU students (EU citizens are eligible if they have lived in the UK for at least 3 years; a small percentage
of positions can also be considered for non-UK/EU candidates).
For full details, contact information and on-line applications, navigate to
Best wishes,
Bristol Computational Neuroscience Unit
SCEEM | Faculty of Engineering & Bristol Neuroscience, University of Bristol, UK