Dear colleague

La Caixa Foundation has published the call for International PhD fellowships within the
program "INPhINIT". This call is providing excellent working conditions for excellent international students. More information at

We will be supporting 2 applicants, one associated to the  project “Machine Learning, Neurological
Disorders and Brain Networks” supervised by Jesus M Cortes and the other associated to the project "Multi-scale epileptic networks: a longitudinal structural-functional  study of human epileptic networks combining deep electrode recordings and MRI" supervised by Paolo Bonifazi. 

Applicants must have a background in Mathematics, Physics or Engineering. The student will work in the Computational Neuroimaging Lab in Biocruces (Bibao) focused on developing and applying brain connectivity methods in combination with machine learning (such as supervised and unsupervised classification), modeling (neuron or circuit levels) and imaging processing of different imaging modalities (such as magnetic resonance imaging or electroencepaholography).

The student will interact with Engineers, Physicists and Clinical Researchers.

Further details and readings:
To study brain functioning and disfunctioning, the Computational Neuroimaging Laboratory in
Biocruces (Bilbao) is focused on brain networks at the macroscale, thus affecting to the large-scale brain organization. While diffusion images provide information about structural
connectivity, functional magnetic resonance imaging shed light on resting state functional
connectivity. In this project, the student will work with different datasets, some of them
publicly available, others acquired in our laboratory, covering different pathologies such as
autism, patients in coma, epilepsy, patients with multiorganic failure, neurodegeneration such as
Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson and psychiatric disorders.

Working conditions:
3-years contract, gross salary of about 26.000 euro - 28.000 euro per year, and an extra
travelling and conference budget of about 3.500 euro per year.

Applicant requirements:
At recruitment date, candidates must have MSc degree and an English
certification of minimum B2.  In addition, candidates must not have residence in Spain
longer than 12 months in the 3 years prior to recruitment date.

Interested applicants contact to:

Prof. Jesus M Cortes
Ikerbasque Research Professor
Head of the Laboratory of Computational Neuroimaging, Biocruces, Bilbao (Spain)
Coordinator of the Quantitative Biomedicine Unit, Biocruces, Bilbao (Spain)
Research Professor at the University of the Basque Country (Spain)


Dr. Paolo Bonifazi
Ikerbasque Tenure Track Professor
Computational Neuroimaging Laboratory 
