Dear All. 
It is my pleasure to announce that a  fraudulent and blatantly
plagiarized publication from July 2023, (allegedly) about the
training of layered neural  networks in time-dependent envrionments, 
has  been retracted  by the Editorial Office of MDPI Applied Sciences
at last.  The retraction process took very long and communication
was quite unpleasant. 

Please see
for details and links to the plagiarized original pieces of work.  

Note that the term "overlap" in the  retraction notice is way too 
polite in view of the brazen "cut-and-paste" approach of 
the "authors". They literally copy/pasted essentially all figures and
equations from other sources. The text consists of non-sensical
gibberish and contains no original results whatsoever. Four referees
apparently failed to note the gobbledygook and  recognize the 

Best wishes,
Michael Biehl 

Prof. Dr. Michael Biehl
Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, 
Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence
P.O. Box 407, 9700 AK Groningen, NL