NSF-Simons NITMB Fellows Program

Applications due October 15, 2024

NITMB is seeking early-career researchers who have interest in transforming biological research and inspiring new mathematical discoveries.

This opportunity is open to researchers who want to develop mathematical, theoretical, and computational approaches to study any area of biology. Under the mentorship of NSF-Simons NITMB leadership and faculty members, fellows will develop an independent research program and foster collaborations with NITMB faculty members or others outside the Institute.

Applicants will need to have completed a doctoral degree by September 2025 in one of the following fields:

  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Computer Sciences
  • Engineering
  • or related fields

Click here for the Submission Portal


  • Competitive salary
  • Generous research and travel stipends
  • Access to NITMB resources and both Northwestern and UChicago campuses
  • A thriving intellectual community with mentorship from NITMB leadership and Faculty Members
  • Offices located at the iconic John Hancock Center, 875 N Michigan Ave, in Chicago, Illinois
  • Guaranteed acceptance to NITMB workshops
  • No teaching obligations, allowing full dedication to groundbreaking research
  • Opportunities to lead and participate in NITMB activities and outreach programs

Appointments can start as early as April 1, 2025, but no later than September 1, 2025, and will be at the internal University rank of Postdoctoral Scholar. The position is open to individuals who are less than seven years post attainment of their Ph.D. degree.

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Application Materials

Upload the following documents to the submission portal.

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications and preprints
  • Description of research interests to be pursued at the NITMB
  • Three Letters of Recommendation from faculty members or senior research scientists who are active in the field of study in question. Uploaded here.

Required materials and letters of reference must be received by October 15, 2024.

Expected Timeline

  • Applications due October 15, 2024
  • Review Period | October 1 - 31, 2024
  • Zoom Interviews | November 11 - 22, 2024
  • Notice of Waitlist | week of November 11, 2024
  • In-Person Interviews | December 9 - 13, 2024
  • Notice of Waitlist | week of December 9, 2024
  • Decisions | December 16 - 31, 2024
  • Offers | January 6 - 10, 2025

The NSF-Simons National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology (NITMB) aims to integrate the disciplines of mathematics and biology in order to transform the practice of biological research and inspire new mathematical discoveries.

NITMB is a partnership between Northwestern University and the University of Chicago. It is funded by the National Science Foundation DMS-2235451 and the Simons Foundation MP-TMPS-00005320.

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