Dear colleagues, 

Forwarding the ad for our department's open position for an Assistant Professor: 

The College of Engineering at Boston University has embarked on a bold new strategic plan that will pursue excellence and impact along convergent and collaborative research themes while remaining committed to our institutional values regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. The College anticipates two openings for tenure-track faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor, one focusing on the convergent theme: Data Science in Neuroengineering. We are seeking a candidate whose research develops or uses methods from data science to advance knowledge of neuroscience in health and disease. Topics may include computational neuroscience, neurosignal processing, machine learning, image processing, artificial intelligence, or, more broadly, data science techniques in neuroscience. The ideal candidate will have a strong publication record in this convergent research theme and will be able to form links among the neuro- and systems-engineering strengths of the College’s Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering, as well as the University’s strengths in the Data- and Neuro-Sciences.

To apply: