Abstract Deadline extension to March 6, 2016
This is one and only extension of the abstract submission
CNS*2016 Call for Abstracts
Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS)
25th Annual Meeting
Jeju, South Korea
July 2-7, 2016
The main meeting (July 3-5) will be preceded by a day of tutorials (July 2) and followed by two days of workshops (July 6-7).
Invited Keynote Speakers:
- Nicolas Brunel, University of Chicago, USA
- Alain Destexhe, CNRS, France
- Mitsuo Kawato, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR), Japan
- Tatyana Sharpee, Salk Institute, USA
Apply for
membership by March 1, 2016 to ensure the member registration rate for your abstract submission
Note that one of the authors has to register as sponsoring author for the main meeting before abstract submission is possible. In case the abstract is not accepted for presentation, the registration fee
will be refunded.
For up-to-date conference information, please visit: