Paid Summer Research Internship in Systems Neuroscience



We are looking for a talented student that will apply analytical techniques to investigate the role of the thalamus in the oscillatory dynamics that organize the consolidation of episodic memory during sleep.  The project will involve the analysis of neural data (single cells, local field potentials) from extracellular recordings in sleeping rats.

Requirements:  Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills, demonstrated initiative and dedication, ability to learn fast. Strong analytical skills, including signal processing and programming. EECS, Physics, Computational Neuroscience students encouraged to apply.


What you get: 

·  Two months of research in systems neuroscience, including the application of analytical techniques to extracellular electrophysiology data.

·  Spend this summer in the Jupiter campus of Florida Atlantic University, an expanding and interactive neuroscience hub that also holds our partners the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience and Scripps Research Institute.

·   Possibility of visiting MIT in August to present results from your work.


Contact:  Submit resume and a brief paragraph commenting on how your skills and background could be helpful to this neuroscience project. Let Dr. Carmen Varela know when you would be available for an interview.