Two postdoctoral/research associate positions in computational neuroscience
at Drexel University College of Medicine


Two postdoctoral/research associate positions in computational neuroscience
for the duration of up to three years are available at Drexel University College of Medicine
(Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Lab of Dr. Ilya A. Rybak) to participate
in externally funded projects.


One position is for computational modeling of neural control mechanisms, involving
interactions between basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, cortex and spinal cord
in connection with simulation of pathological changes in motor control during
Huntington’s disease.


The other position involves modeling of spinal cord circuits, including the circuits of
locomotor CPG, in close interactive collaboration with several world leading laboratories
performing experimental studies in the isolated rodent spinal cord.


Applicants must have a PhD degree in Applied Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science,
Neuroscience, or related discipline and have excellent C++ programming skills.
Previous experience in computational modeling of biological neurons and neural
networks is a plus.


Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Rybak ( by email.
To apply, please send an email along with (1) curriculum vitae; (2) a cover letter
describing previous research experience and interests; (3) the names and contact

information of three references.

Ilya A. Rybak, Ph.D.
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
Drexel University College of Medicine
2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19129

Tel.: (215) 991-8596
FAX: (215) 843-9082