I would like to advertise a postdoc position in 'Development of
interactive locomotion', see below the job description.
Yuri Ivanenko
Postdoc position in DEVELOPMENT OF
A postdoctoral position is
available in the research
group led by Yuri Ivanenko (y.ivanenko@hsantalucia.it)
in the
Laboratory of
Neuromotor Physiology of the Santa
Lucia Foundation in Rome,
Italy, to
studies in
the area of human interactive locomotion. The postdoctoral researcher
will be
involved in a new interdisciplinary project (CogIMon), funded by the
program of the European Union, aiming at a step change in human-robot
interaction. The consortium comprises leading robotics, computational
and human motor control European research groups.
Research will be focused on
investigating human sensorimotor
strategies for coordination and control of human-human interactive
including agents of different sizes (children, adults). Experiments
will be
conducted to understanding the acquisition of locomotor patterns when
physical contact with others.
Applicants should have a
recent Ph.D. in a relevant discipline,
a real interest in development of human locomotion and sensorimotor
control, and
strong quantitative and programming skills. Experience with collection
analysis of experimental data, online data processing/control, and
modeling of
sensorimotor processes are valuable assets.
Salary will be commensurate
with experience.
Applicants should provide a statement of research interests, a
vitae, and contact information for references. The position is
available starting
on April 1st 2015 and open until filled.
Yuri P. Ivanenko, PhD
Head of Gait Laboratory,
Laboratory of Neuromotor Physiology,
IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia,
306 via Ardeatina,
00179 Rome, Italy
tel ++39
fax ++39
e-mail: y.ivanenko@hsantalucia.it
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