Please excuse multiple postings

Two fully funded PhD positions (4 years) are available at the
University of Groningen within the project "Robust Learning of 
Sparse Representations in Neural Networks". 
The official job announcement including more details and contact
information is now available at
All applications should be submitted through this website before September 30, 2022. 

One PhD (PP1) will address the study of "push-pull inhibition" in Deep
Learning, supervised by Dr. George Azzopardi ( 
Candidates should have a strong background in brain inspired computing
and deep learning. 

The second position (PP2) will be devoted to the statistical physics
based analysis of model situations. Candidates for PP2 should have 
a strong background in (theoretical) physics, ideally with 
experience in the statistical physics based theory of neural networks
and learning.

Both positions will be fully funded (4 years) by the   
Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center

Prof. Dr. Michael Biehl
Bernoulli Institute for
Mathematics, Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence
P.O. Box 407, 9700 AK Groningen
The Netherlands