(Posted on behalf of Janine Simmons @ NIMH, details below)

NIH anticipates recruitment announcement for health science administrator (program officers) in the following areas of science: neurosciences, computational neuroscience, computational biology, neurocircuits, cognitive neuroscience.  Please check http://www.jobs.nih.gov/globalrecruitment/  for additional information and upcoming announcements.

Please note that the potential position will be included in an HHS-wide announcement to be open Feb 17-26, 2015 (note the brief time window).

Please share this information widely with any PhD-level scientists with appropriate expertise who may be interested in joining an extramural funding team.

I am also happy to provide additional information to interested potential applicants.





Janine M. Simmons, M.D., Ph.D.

Affect, Social Behavior & Social Cognition Program

National Institute of Mental Health

(301) 443-1576