Dear computationally-friendly colleagues,

You are our strongest referral source.  I am sharing with you the announcement for NIH Program Officer and ask that you share this with your colleagues that may be interested in serving as an extramural program officer (also known as Health Scientist Administrator).

The NIH Global Vacancy Announcement for Health Scientist Administrator/Program Officer is now open to the public. NIMH is looking for Program Officers to fill several critical program in the NIMH extramural programs. To be considered for this position, applicants must possess an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent experience. 

The links below will take interested candidates to the USAJobs link. 

Applications will be accepted from January 29, 2018 - February 7, 2018 through the links below.  Please share this information with those who may be interested in applying.

If you have additional questions, please email


Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer) Links*:

*DE = Delegated Examining position open to U.S. Citizens (public announcement)

*MP = Merit Promotion position open to federal employees only.







Michele Ferrante, PhD

Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience & Computational Psychiatry NIMH

Ph. 301-435-6782 | WebEx | 6001 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852, Office # 7202