The Chair of Neuroimaging at TU Dresden, Germany is offering a postdoc position. The position is funded by the Excellence Cluster “Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop” (CeTI), The position is available for three years initially but can be extended.
CeTI-position_Kiebel_1 – Research associate / Postdoc for computational neuroscience
Topic: Computational modelling of sequences of goal-directed actions and multisensory integration
Tasks: This position will develop computational models how humans integrate multisensory sensory input while performing sequences of goal-directed actions. We will be using Bayesian inference techniques in combination with nonlinear dynamic systems to model the perception of observed human movements and the inference of intent. This position is embedded in the newly funded research excellence cluster ‘Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI)’ and will work alongside cognitive neuroscientists, roboticists, psychologists, engineers and computer scientists. In collaboration with experimenters, the candidate will use the developed models to experimentally test predictions about how humans use multisensory information during goal-reaching.
Requirements: We are looking for a candidate with a PhD degree in computational neuroscience, physics, maths, robotics, computer science, or related fields, ideally with expertise in computational models of human behaviour. Additional expertise in Bayesian inference, EEG, eye tracking analysis, or multisensory integration is a plus.
The excellence cluster CeTI and TU Dresden provide an outstanding scientific infrastructure and ideal environment for interdisciplinary collaboration. For computational work, the group has access to the TU Dresden high-performance computing clusters. Experiments by collaborators will be performed at the Neuroimaging Centre Dresden ( All computing and experimental facilities are supported by experienced physics and IT staff. For questions about this position please contact Prof. Stefan Kiebel (
How To Apply:
Please submit your comprehensive application including the usual documentation (CV, cover letter including a brief summary of research interests, and two references), by
January 18th, 2019 (stamped arrival date
of the university central mail service applies) with the reference „CeTI-position_Kiebel_1“
in the subject header preferably via the TU Dresden SecureMail Portal
or S/MIME encrypted by sending it as a pdf document to
or by mail to:
TU Dresden, Sprecher des Exzellenzclusters CeTI, Herrn Prof. Frank H. P. Fitzek, Helmholtzstr. 10,
01069 Dresden, Germany. Please submit copies only as your application documents will not be returned.
We look forward to your applications!
The CeTI Team