The NEUROTECH Educational Team is organizing a webinar series on neuromorphic computing technologies. The objective is to offer educational material about the field but also hold discussions with the experts about how the field started, how it evolved, where it’s going and how it’s going to shape the future industrial landscape.


The first webinar will be on the 3rd of November at 16 CET and the question of the day is: “What is Neuromorphic Engineering?”. The first speakers are: 


Prof. Giacomo Indiveri, Prof. Steven Furber, Prof. Bernabé Linares-Barranco and Prof. Kwabena Boahen.


You can register for free here:

 Join us and spread the word!


This initiative is supported as part of the NEUROTECH EU-H2020 coordination and support action.


About Neurotech: Our mission is to catalyse research and collaboration in NCT. Today's neuromorphic community in Europe is leading the state of the art in this domain. The community counts an increasing number of labs that work on theory, modelling, and implementation of neuromorphic computing systems. The NEUROTECH Project will create a Cartography of NCT in Europe, explore Roadmaps for its development, collect educational and information resources on NCT, and inform about upcoming and previous events.


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