It's our pleasure to announce you the BrainModes conference "Coordinated brain activity: Foundations and applications", that will be held in the heart of Brussels, at the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences (KVAB) on Dec 1 and 2.

BrainModes ( is an annual conference in which methods and models to interpret brain activity, and their applications are discussed.

This year the theme will be: Coordinated brain activity: foundations and applications.
We are proud of the excellent lineup of speakers, including Kia Nobre (Oxford), Olaf Sporns (Indiana), Maurizio Corbetta (Padua and WU).

There will be also a workshop organized in Ghent on nov 30 on methodological issues and demonstration.

The complete program, the info on registration, abstract submission and location are here

Please spread this information within your network, and looking forward to see you in Brussels!

Daniele Marinazzo, Dante Mantini and Wim Vanduffel.

Daniele Marinazzo --
Department of Data Analysis
Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences, Ghent University
Henri Dunantlaan 1, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
+32 (0) 9 264 6375