Dear all

Representatives of LGBT university staff networks in London, as well as the organisation Pride in STEM, are organising a social for queer academics, focusing on STEM. Anyone is welcome. Since our social originated at a cognitive and computational neuroscience conference, queer neuroscientists are very well represented, and we hope that this will be a great opportunity to network for queer people in cognitive and computational neuroscience.

This is the sign-up link:

If anyone here is interested in co-organising, please shoot me an email, and feel free to forward the sign-up link to anyone you know who might be interested. We are especially still looking for a contact person at the University of Greenwich and at Royal Holloway University of London, which are not represented in the organising team at the moment, to advertise the social in their local LGBT staff network. Feel free to email me to chat about the initiative, and how to get involved!

Have a lovely week!
Maria (they/them)

Maria Niedernhuber
Postdoctoral researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience
Consciousness and Cognition Lab, University of Cambridge
Sleep and Cognition Lab, QMUL