** We made our source code from two recent papers and one accepted manuscript now available on ModelDB **

The code simulates the Hodgkin-Huxley model with time-dependent ion concentrations. 

Briefly, the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model has 4 dynamical variables. 
Including Na+,K+, and Cl- extra-  and intracellular ion concentrations 
introduces 6 further variables. 

Various simple reduction techniques, such as adiabatic elimination, synchronization, 
mass conservation, and electroneutrality have been used to reduce this extended 
HH formalism to again only 5 dynamical variables, while the model still retains adequate 
biophysical realism. For example, bursting and cortical spreading depression (SD) can 
be simulated. The model conserves the HH action potential dynamics. See Refs. [1,2]

The accession number for the  HH model with time-dependent 
ion concentrations is 167714. 

Moreover, the ModelDB accession number for a wild-type and 
mutant SD model described in paper Ref [3] is 167715. 

The model can be further reduced to only 4 dynamic variables (without Cl-). 
For dynamic volume control and further features, please get in contact with me, see below.

This models require XPP, which is freely available from:

[1]  N. Huebel, E. Schöll, and M. A. Dahlem, Bistable dynamics underlying excitability of ion homeostasis in neuron models, PLOS Comp. Biology.  10, e1003551 (2014)
[2] N. Huebel and M. A. Dahlem, Dynamics from seconds to hours in Hodgkin–Huxley model with time–dependent ion concentrations and buffer reservoirs (accepted PLoS Comp Biol, arXiv 1404.3031)
[3]  M. A. Dahlem, J. Schumacher, and N. Huebel. Linking a genetic defect in migraine to spreading depression in a computational model, PeerJ, 2:e379 (2014). 


Dr. Markus Dahlem
Web: https://sites.google.com/site/markusadahlem
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Department Biological Physics
Nöthnitzer Straße 38
01187 Dresden
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
AG NLD Cardiovascular Physics
Robert-Koch-Platz 4
10115 Berlin

phone: +49 (0)351 871 2402
email: dahlem@physik.hu-berlin.de
skype: markus.dahlem