Dear all,
We are thrilled to announce the fourth BrainNet workshop. If you're interested in exploring how analysis of brain data, network science and different imaging methods can explain more about the brain and its functioning, we cordially invite you to attend the BrainNet 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden, from May 5th to 8th.
Our interdisciplinary set of speakers will showcase state-of-the-art methods for analyzing and explaining brain data, offering insights from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. The event is hybrid, you can participate either in person or virtually. For on-site participants, you can submit an abstract for giving a contributed talk! Registration closes on 6th of April 2025.
The confirmed speakers are: 
Adrián Ponce-Alvarez, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Roxana Zeraati, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Michael Winding, Francis Crick Institute
Barbara Hollunder, Charité - University Medicine Berlin
Jacob Vogel, Lund University
Alex Bhogal, UMC Utrecht
Andrew Lehr, University Medical Center Göttingen
Sacha van Albada, Research center Jülich
Lida Kanari, Open Brain Institute
Grégoria Kalpouzos, Karolinska Institutet
Katharina Heining, Karolinska Institutet
Annegret Habich, Karolinska Institutet
Rodrigo Moreno, KTH
Dhrubaditya Mitra, Nordita, Stockholm University
Josefine Waldthaler, Karolinska Institutet

This is a unique opportunity to connect with the experts and the participants, the event is structured with ample time for discussions. You can find all the details – including the preliminary schedule, speaker list, and registration link – on the BrainNet 2025 webpage at
We look forward to seeing you there! Please distribute the link in your networks for anyone who might be interested in attending.
Best regards,
The BrainNet 2025 Organizing Committee:
Pascal Helson, KTH
Arvind Kumar, KTH
Henri Riihimäki, Nordita, Stockholm University
Jason Smith, Nottingham Trent University
Gonzalo Uribarri, KTH
Sarah Vandenbulcke, KTH