NEURodegeneration And Language (NEURAL 2019) is a special session on language disorders which will take place in the context of ExLing 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal, 27 September 2019, under the auspices of Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa.
The NEURAL 2019 special session aims to advance our knowledge on language disorders and the development of experimental methods for the analysis and processing of speech and language. Special emphasis is put on interdisciplinary approaches among different research areas, including computational linguistics (CL), (cognitively inspired) natural language processing (NLP), speech acoustics, and also other related areas and modalities, including wearable, vision, and ambient sensor technologies. The special session programme will contain a combination of oral and poster papers on main areas of language disorders. Furthermore, attendees will have opportunities of free discussions among NEURAL 2019 as well as ExLing 2019 participants.
Submission of 4-page papers related to the above aims of the special session NEURAL 2019 are welcome at