| 100th Annual Meeting Southern Oregon University Ashland, Oregon June 18 - 21, 2019 The 2019 meeting of the Pacific Division of AAAS will be held on the campus of Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Oregon, 18 – 21 June 2019. We are pleased to announce that the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society, will once again join us for this meeting. Membership in AAAS or its affiliated societies is not required to participate in or present research at this meeting. All scientists, including graduate and undergraduate students, citizen scientists, college and university faculty and staff, and industry scientists, are invited to present their research results at the meeting, either orally or as posters. Persons paying the registration fee may attend all scientific sessions as well as participate in many other activities. Field trips require advance registration and payment of additional fees. | In This Issue | While as always, the meeting is happy to accept symposium presentations and contributed oral and poster presentation in any of the broad science disciplines indicated below, this year we have also identified several themes around which we will organize part of the meeting. If your symposium, workshop, or contributed oral or poster presentation is relevant to one (or more) of these themes, please include the theme(s) in your list of key words.
| Working with local community leaders we have identified several topics of particular interest to the local community. • | Climate change | • | Causes and impacts of forest fires | • | Societal and economic implications of AI, machine learning, and robotics | • | The opioid epidemic | • | Local Oregon environmental issues including the proposed Coos Bay pipeline and efforts to remove dams from the Klamath River | • | Diversification of local agriculture | • | The biology of aging | • | The science of wine | • | Impact and issues concerning pollinators |
| Please also indicate in the key words if your symposium, workshop or contributed research relates to the following issues in science and technology: • | The future of scientific publishing | • | The future of higher education | • | The expanding role of computational modeling in basic science | • | New approaches to STEM education: k-12 | • | The importance of interdisciplinary approaches in science and technology | • | Engaging the public in science | • | Fostering inclusion of underrepresented minorities in science |
| Finally, this year’s meeting is also making an explicit effort to link and collaborate with regional cultural organizations and assets. Accordingly, please indicate in your key words if your submission is potentially relevant to linkage between science and: | Plan to join us for a full schedule of activities • | Contributed oral and poster paper sessions (submission deadline April 18) | • | Symposia (submission deadline April 1) | • | Workshops (submission deadline April 1) | • | Field trips• | In keeping with a long tradition for this meeting, a wide range of field trips will be offered to meeting participants and their families. Discount prices will also be arranged for a number of outdoor adventures. | | |
| • | Hands on science banquet | • | Networking opportunities | • | And much more! | | |
| Contact James Bower, Executive Director of the Pacific Division, by email at bowerj@sou.edu. | |