Tenure Track Research Position - Artificial Intelligence in Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics

The Institute of Computer Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS), Prague, Czech Republic, invites applications for a tenure‐track position in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science in broadest sense.

The Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group (http://cobra.cs.cas.cz/) invites applicants with interest to develop research agenda at the border of AI & neuroscience or AI & complex systems.

Note the parallel call open to other, non-AI subfields of Computer Science and related fields, covering also combinatorics and graph theory, complex dynamic systems, computational complexity, computational logic, mathematical logic, philosophical logic, data mining, neuroinformatics, neuroimaging, computational neuroscience, statistics.

For informal inquiries write to Jaroslav Hlinka at hlinka@cs.cas.cz.

We offer a full-time position, which includes the following benefits:

We encourage you to apply, if you:

Conditions of contract

You will be appointed for up to 3 years initially and your performance will be evaluated towards the end of this period. In case of a positive review, you will be eligible for an extension or a tenured appointment. Your involvement in graduate teaching programs and supervising graduate students will not be mandatory, yet welcomed by the Institute.

To apply, submit your application to jobs@cs.cas.cz, including the following:

The closing date for application is 20th November 2023.  Expected starting date upon agreement.


Jaroslav Hlinka
Head of the Department of Complex Systems
Institute of Computer Science
Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2
Prague 8, 182 00, Czech Republic
Tel: (+420) 26605 3808
E-mail: hlinka@cs.cas.cz

Web: http://www.cs.cas.cz/hlinka/
Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics Group (COBRA): http://cobra.cs.cas.cz