September 26-29, 2018
Castro-Urdiales, Spain
*** Scientific committee ***
Peter Ashwin, University of Exeter, UK.
Roberto Barrio, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
Silvia Daun, University of Cologne, Germany.
Mathieu Desroches, Inria, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Toni Guillamon, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain.
Serafim Rodrigues, Basque Center of Applied Mathematics, Spain.
Neuroscience is nowadays one of
the most collaborative and active scientific research fields as it has
been increasingly involving the participation of
experts from other disciplines. In particular, computational and mathematical aspects of neuroscience are currently playing an important role both in modeling and replicating experimental findings and in explaining
the underlying mechanisms of neurophysiological
or cognitive processes. Differential equations are ubiquitous in the
modeling of such phenomena and, consequently, nonlinear
dynamics and dynamical systems techniques become fundamental sources of
new mathematical and computational tools to study neuroscience models.
The aim of this Second Workshop
on Neurodynamics, NDy'18 (first edition was NDy'14) is to present an
overview of successful achievements in this rapidly
developing collaborative field by putting together different types of applications of nonlinear dynamics (geometrical tools in dynamical systems, numerical methods, computational schemes, dynamical measures,...)
to different problems in
neuroscience (mononeuronal dynamics, network activity, cognitive
problems,...). Additional emphasis will be put on experimental findings
seeking for theoretical explanations, and therefore this meeting is focussed on using mathematics as the primary tool for elucidating the fundamental mechanisms responsible for experimentally observed behavior
in the applied neurosciences. Importantly, it will draw attention to those pieces of mathematical theory which are likely to be relevant to future studies of
the brain. The final goal is spreading together mathematical methodology and neuroscience challenges and stimulating future cross-collaborations among participants, being Mathematical Neuroscience the generic
topic for NDy'18.
The workshop length will be 4 days, distributed in special sessions and talks, with several round tables on different topics.
Short abstract/Title submission deadline 14th May 2018
Acceptance notification 31st May 2018
Payment deadline (reduced fee, 220 Euros) 30th June 2018
Payment deadline (complete fee, 270 Euros) 6th September 2018
The registration includes the coffee-breaks, lunches and social dinner.
Send your abstract as soon as possible (always before May 14th) by e-mail to