6th ESI Systems Neuroscience Conference "The recurrent cortex: feedback, dynamics, and dimensionality"
5-6 September 2019
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The Ernst Strüngmann Institute Systems Neuroscience Conference (ESI SyNC) 2019 will take place this year on September 5th and 6th at the Ernst Strüngmann Institute in Frankfurt, Germany. This year’s theme is ‘The recurrent cortex: feedback,
dynamics, and dimensionality’. The conference will feature eleven internationally renowned speakers who will give talks on neural feedback, signal dimensionality, and temporal dynamics. Ample time for both formal and informal discussion has been included
in the schedule. There will also be a poster session for which we welcome submissions.
Confirmed speakers
Sacha van Albada
Alessandra Angelucci
Carina Curto
Peter Dayan
Thomas Fraps
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
Jakob Macke
Tatyana Sharpee
Fred Wolf
Rafael Yuste
Li Zhaoping
Registration and abstract submission are now open!
For more information and to register for the conference or submit a poster presentation, please visit:
Or contact: esi-sync@esi-frankfurt.de
Limited spaces are available, so early registration is encouraged.
Best Regards,
The ESI SyNC 2019 organizing team:
Wolf Singer
Pascal Fries
Renata Vajda
William Barnes
Christini Katsanevaki
Katharine Shapcott
Cem Uran
Yiling Yang