NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Johannes Burge at the University of Pennsylvania ( We use natural images, statistical learning tools, ideal observer analysis, and behavioral experiments to gain a precise understanding of the processes that support perception. We have ongoing projects across a range of topics in vision and computational neuroscience, but we tend to focus on projects directly or indirectly related to motion and depth perception. My lab is affiliated with the Computational Neuroscience Initiative at Penn, a community of top researchers working on an array of problems in sensation, perception, and cognition. 

Strong mathematical and programming skills are necessary, as well as strong communication skills and a record of research productivity. Familiarity designing and running psychophysical experiments via Matlab is also required. A solid background in computer graphics and knowledge of C/C++ and object oriented programming is also desirable. The lab has a high refresh-rate VPixx ProPixx projector, a haploscope driven by two high-resolution VPixx ViewPixx monitors, and a large suite of custom code for statistical learning and for the analysis of psychometric data. 

Applicants must have finished their Ph.D. in neuroscience, vision science, engineering, computer science, or related fields and have a demonstrated record of research productivity. The position is available immediately but the precise start date is flexible. Applicants should send a brief statement of interest, CV, and the names of three references to Johannes Burge ( Letters will be requested if your candidacy is being considered. Applications will be assessed as they arrive and the position will remain open until filled. Salary will be based on NIH post-doctoral rates and commensurate with experience. 

Johannes Burge, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Neuroscience Graduate Group
University of Pennsylvania
(215) 573 6528