A postdoctoral and a PhD positions funded by a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) are available in the group of David Robbe at the Institut de Neurobiologie de la Mediterrannée (INMED) in Marseille, France.

The Robbe Lab studies the neuronal bases of motor learning and motor control with a focus on the role of cortico-striatal system and the specific contribution(s) of selective striatal cell types. We perform electrophysiological recordings of spiking activity (using silicon probes, tetrode arrays and optrodes) and neuronal perturbation (lesions, inactivations, optogenetic stimulation) on rodents (mice or rats) engaged in original motor tasks. The tasks design allows high-throughput training of animals, manipulations of task constraints to understand the psychophysical determinants of performance and closed-loop optogenetic perturbation of neuronal activity.

The positions suit candidates highly motivated to perform large-scale electrophysiological and optrodes recordings in behaving rodents (mice or rats). The successful candidates should be genuinely interested  in understanding animal behavior, hardworking and capable to learn to perform delicate surgical procedures. A previous experience in either in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetic or data analysis  (using Python or Matlab) is expected. Applicants with quantitative (physics, maths) or engineering backgrounds willing to acquire experimental skills are encouraged to apply. For the postdoc position, the salary is initially granted for the first 2 years, and may be extended according to progress and available funding. The PhD position is funded for 3 years.
INMED is composed of several internationally renowned groups working on the development, function and pathology of neuronal circuits.

The scientific excellence of INMED and its outstanding location at the entrance of the National Park des Calanques provide a rich and stimulating working/living environment.

Applications (CV, a short statement of research interests and experience  (max. one page),  at least 2 reference letters) should be sent to david.robbe@inserm.fr.
Application will be considered until the positions are filled. The positions are available immediately and expected to start at the latest in fall 2016. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview at the INMED (travel expenses covered).

Relevant publication: Rueda-Orozco, PE and Robbe D (2015) The striatum multiplexes contextual and kinematic information to constrain motor habits execution. Nat Neurosci. 18:453-60.

Additional information on the research performed in the Robbe lab: http://www.inmed.fr/en/en-avenir-dynamiques-neuronales-et-fonctions-des-ganglions-de-la-base

    David Robbe, PhD
    Neuronal dynamics and functions of the basal ganglia
    Institut de Neurobiologie de la MEDiterrannee (INMED) INSERM-UMR901
    163, avenue de Luminy. BP13
    13273 Marseille Cedex 9


    Tel: +33 4 91 82 81 99
    Fax: +33 4 91 82 81 05

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge", Stephen Hawking