Dear Colleague,

This is to announce the forthcoming ANEIS 2024 - APPLIED NEUROSCIENCES SCHOOL

LINKING NEUROTECHNOLOGY TO CLINICS (Ventotene – LT – Italy - September 9-14, 2024)

In the framework of EBRAINS-Italy training initiatives.

ANEIS 2024 program offers up to 30 students an immersive experience to the participants at the forefront of neuroscience research and its applications, covering a broad range of themes, including theoretical, computational, and systems neuroscience, data analysis, neuroinformatics, and clinical applications.


The deadline for application is July 30, 2024


To process the application, and for other information, please  CLICK HERE


Applicants can be junior scientists (PhD students and Post-Doc fellows or residency students) beginning their careers in the broad field of Neuroscience. Registration is limited to 30 participants. Admission to ANEIS 2024 will be on a selection based on the provided CV, a Motivation letter, and the sponsorship of a senior researcher.


Applicants excluded from the list of attendees of ANEIS 2024 will be included in the priority list for the ANEIS 2025.

The registration fee is € 300. This amount covers:

·     tuition fee.

·     lodging for 5 nights (from September 9 to September 13, 2024)

·     lunches only and the social dinner.

·     touristic boat experience

We are looking forward to hearing from you.




Michele Giugliano (SISSA and UNIMORE)

Stefano Ferraina (UNIROMA1)

Jonathan Mapelli (UNIMORE)

Maurizio Mattia (ISS)


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