This email is a reminder for submitting your proposition to SSD'18
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Dear Colleagues, 

15th International Multi-Conference on
Systems, Signals and Devices SSD' 2018
March 19-22, 2018, Hammamet-Tunisia

The International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices 2018 will be held on March 19-22, 2018 in Hammamet – Tunisia.

The SSD′2018 conference is an international forum dedicated to researchers and specialists in different fields of electrical engineering. It brings together scientists and practitioners from research organizations, universities and companies in a multidisciplinary event, with the aim of strengthening links between researchers of different specialties. This event will provide the opportunity to share together the latest achievements in systems and control. Both theoretical and applied papers are welcomed for submission to this event.

Accepted and presented papers during the conference will be published in IEEEXplore. Authors of best papers presented at SSD conference will be offered an opportunity to publish their works in followed international books and in the following international journals

*Advances in Systems, Signals and Devices (ISSN 2365-7507, published by De Gruyter) 

*International Journal of Digital Signals and Smart Systems (ISSN 2389-0311, Inderscience).

We would invite you to submit your recent research via SSD′2018 website (
Submission), or directly through EDAS the manager of the conference

In order to give more success to our Conference, I will be so grateful if you diffuse the Call for Papers of SDD′2018 and the website URL (
Call_for_Papers_SDD 2018) to your colleagues and Email contacts.

The important dates are:

Deadline for paper submission: November 30th, 2017.

Notification of Acceptance: January 15th, 2018.

Final paper manuscripts: January 31th, 2018.
To write your paper, please respect the IEEE templates for LATEX formats or Microsoft Word that may be found at: conferences_events/ conferences/publishing/ templates.html
Best Regards
For the organization committee