Dear Colleagues,
The Turing Centre for Living Systems in Marseille seeks applicants
for a postdoc position in computational
neuroscience/robotics under the joint supervision of David Robbe and
Christophe Eloy.
Project abstract – The goal of this project is to understand, at an
algorithmic level, how animals learn
to develop adaptative behavior by trial-and-error interaction with
their environment. We propose an
interdisciplinary approach combining behavioral experiments in rats
and the development of an «artificial»
agent facing challenges similar to those experienced by the rats.
The experimental data (already available)
show that rats challenged in a time estimation task converged
progressively toward a conserved embodied
strategy (Rueda-Orozco and Robbe, Nature Neuroscience, 2015). Key
determinants of that strategy have
been isolated experimentally, by altering task rules and environment
and quantifying how these alterations
affect animal performance. The core of the artificial agent will be
a reinforcement-learning algorithm, which
will be trained through virtual experiments simulating the time
estimation task. A first objective will be to
parametrize algorithms such that they solve this time estimation
task and to compare artificial and natural
(rat) strategies. The artificial double will eventually be
complemented by a robot embodying the learning
algorithm. Assessment of algorithmic predictions and possible
biological implementation will be tested in
new experiments in which the impact of alterations of key task
parameters and brain activity on animals
performance will be measured. This back and forth interaction
between experiments and theory will provide
us with new understandings of the mechanisms underlying adaptative
motor learning.
Expected profile – The main task of the project will be to develop
reinforcement learning algorithms and
therefore we expect the candidates to have a solid background in
machine learning. Since one of the
objective is to build simple robots, knowledge in robotics would be
an asset. The successful applicant will
work in close collaboration with experimentalists and robotic
engineers. We are therefore looking for an
enthusiastic applicant with excellent communication skills and a
track record in interdisciplinary collaborative
David Robbe - Inmed, UMR 1249 - The
neural bases of sensorimotor learning
Christophe Eloy - IRPHE, UMR 7342 - Biomechanics, aerodynamics,
soft matter and biophysics
Deadline for application: 28th February
Information and submission:
David Robbe, PhD
Neuronal dynamics and functions of the basal ganglia
Institut de Neurobiologie de la Méditerranée (INMED) INSERM-UMR901
163, avenue de Luminy. BP13
13273 Marseille Cedex 9
Tel: +33 4 91 82 81 99
Fax: +33 4 91 82 81 05
"It is disturbingly common for studies to include behavior as simply a hasty add-on in papers
that are otherwise crammed full of multiple techniques, types of results, and even species.
It is as if every paper needs to be a methodological decathlon in order to be considered important."
Krakauer et al., Neuron 2017